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Armenia School Foundation (ASF) Refurnishes Eight More Small Schools in Armenia

By March 3, 2013No Comments

Glendale, California – Armenia School Foundation (ASF USA), a non-profit organization dedicated to refurnishing remote and small schools in Armenia and Artsakh, is proud to announce the completion of eight additional school projects in 2013.

A total of 193 new student desk/chairs sets, 35 teacher desk/chair sets and 52 blackboards, 24 bookcases, 20 computer desks and 30 dormitory chests were delivered to the following eight schools:

  • Ashtarak Special Dormitory School in Ararat Marz.
  • Metzamor #2 School in Armavir Marz.
  • Tetoo Jour School in Armavir Marz.
  • Tzoraglukh School in Armavir Marz.
  • Lernapar School in Aragatson Marz.
  • Tzilkar School in Aragatson Marz.
  • Norashen School in Aragatson Marz.
    All the above schools were funded by general donations to ASF USA.
  • Vartashen Village School in Ararat Marz funded by donations of Minassian & Avanessian families in memory of Ashkhen & Vahagn Minassian.

In May of 2013, ASF held a very successful Salsa Night event attended by 250 guests. Proceeds from this event, our annual raffle sales, combined with a number of generous “In lieu of”, “In memory of“ and other donations enabled ASF to raise the funds needed to furnish these eight schools.

“We would like to express our gratitude to our supporters and donors for their continued support, encouragement, and their belief in improving the educational environment of our future generations. We are planning to expand our services and offerings. This year, we will celebrate our 10th anniversary. Proceeds from the anniversary and other fundraiser activities will provide us opportunities to offer future expanded services” stated Moneh Der Gregorian, Chairman of the ASF Board.

Armenia School Foundation (ASF USA) is a nonprofit and non-sectarian, 501c3 organization, founded in May 2003. To date, ASF has provided over 9500 new student and teacher desk/chair sets to 210 schools in remote regions of Armenia and Artsakh serving 19,000 students.

For more information about Armenia School Foundation, please visit Send your “tax deductible” donations to Armenia School Foundation, 3628 San Fernando Road, #1, Glendale, CA 91204

New student desks in Metzamor #2 School, Armavir Marz

New student desks in Metzamor #2 School, Armavir Marz

New book cases for schools in the Aragatson Marz

New book cases for schools in the Aragatson Marz